Newcraigs Church school's ministry, led by Wendy Slavin, supports primary schools in the Newliston, Blackcraigs and Redcraigs areas of Kirkcaldy. We have supported through chaplaincy, assemblies, classroom lessons and services. We can deliver programmes using story-telling, drama, videos and multi-media that will help children to experience overviews of significant Bible stories and also major Christian Festivals such as Easter, harvest and Christmas.
Newcraigs School Protocol
The church has a strong community presence and has been running children's' groups for over 25 years. This has ranged from pre-school 'Toddlers', primary-age 'Fusion' club to a teenagers evening group 'Friday Night Live'. Every year the church runs a Holiday Club for primary-age children which offers a week's programme of activities, fun, games and bible stories.
Walk through the Bible (WTTB)
WTTB is an educational programme taught exclusively to children in the final 2 years of primary school.
It's a series of five 1 hour lessons for the Old Testament [OT Mini] and five 1 one hour lessons for the New Testament [NT Mini].
We locate the major geographical movements of all the key characters, and make them memorable.
The aim of WTTB is to teach children the storyline of the Bible - the big picture.
WTTB is non-denominational, non-confessional and non-conversionary.
Using storytelling, drama, videos, multi-media and more ensures that all learning types (audio, visual and kinaesthetic) can connect.
Our unique keywords and handsigns help everyone remember the storyline.
Above all WTTB is fun, it gets children excited about the most amazing book of all time
Contact Wendy Slavin for more information
Newcraigs Church and Staff also support KART (Kirkcaldy Area ReachOut Trust)

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