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Vision, Mission & Values

Giving glory to God by making disciples of all Nations as we


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We want to take seriously what the Lord Jesus himself has told every church to be
doing—by being obedient to both His great commandment and great commission.

Mark 12

30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.31 The second is this: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’

Matthew 28

18 “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”


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We believe that all people need a relationship with God, and in order for that to happen they must hear the good news about Jesus' death for our sins, and his resurrection for our hope.  We believe that God intends his church to be a beacon of hope in a dark world. We aim to serve, love, and speak in the name of Christ so that through us, people may trust Christ and find the joy of salvation.



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We believe that all Christians are called to grow and become more Christ-like and this happens mainly through living in community with other believers. As the body of Christ we believe that God has called us to live together in truth and love, so that in all things we will grow up into maturity in Christ.  In our life together we aim to imitate Christ in speech, love and service, so that we may nurture one another towards Christian maturity.



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We believe that God calls us to be concerned for his worldwide Church. As a local church we have the privilege of receiving many Christians, some who will go on to serve God throughout the world as well as in the local community.  We aim to nurture, teach and train everyone so that they will be better equipped for fruitful lives of service.


Our God –given mission then is to faithfully obey in bringing God’s truth and grace to bear in our world.

We are building closer links with other like minded churches and leadership networks across our town and region of Fife via the East of Scotland Gospel Partnership promoting cooperation between gospel ministries and churches.

We are also involved as part of a national vision for Scotland and the UK within the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches (FIEC) and Gospel Literature Outreach, (GLO) providing practical support and training to churches across the UK.

Our focus isn’t just in Scotland and the UK. We have links with a number of churches, mission organisations, social and relief projects around the world. Our Mission in the world goes beyond our immediate neighbourhoods to embrace a concern for the nations and our engagement with the wider world.




As we seek to love God, love our neighbour and make disciples, our vision is to see a growing, contemporary, relevant Christian church, strong  on faithful ministry of the Word and known for its deeds of mercy and grace, making disciples within our town and beyond as we bring the hope of Christ to the hearts of Kirkcaldy.

God has given us a primary responsibility to love and care for the people we share our lives with—to show his grace to a watching world. Many live in and around Kirkcaldy and are acutely aware that most of our nearest neighbours need to hear the good news about Jesus Christ and see his love through his followers.


Bringing the hope of Christ to the hearts of Kirkcaldy

t: +44 (0)1592 204405


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 © 2025 Newcraigs Evangelical Church - Newcraigs Evangelical Church is a registered charity in Scotland, No: SC014189 

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