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What we believe

As Evangelical Christians, we believe that the Bible is the Word of God, and so we believe the great truths that the Bible teaches. We are happy to affirm and confess the essential doctrines of Christianity in the following statement of faith:-


The faith of Newcraigs Evangelical Church is founded entirely upon the Bible, which we believe to be God’s inspired word. The Bible tells of the Lord Jesus Christ, God’s eternal son, who was born into the world through the virgin birth, lived a sinless life, and gave His life on the cross of Calvary as a perfect sacrifice to God for our sins.


The Bible states that we are all sinners by nature, and thus fall short of God’s perfect and Holy standard. Of ourselves, we can do nothing to improve our position or deal with our own sinful nature. The Lord Jesus has done this for us through His death, and by believing in Him as our Saviour we have forgiveness of our sins, and are assured of a place in Heaven.


We believe from the teaching of the Bible that the Lord Jesus rose bodily from the grave, ascended to Heaven where He is exalted by God, and that He will return to take all true believers to be with Him for ever.


All believers have the gift of the Holy Spirit and have access to God by way of prayer at all times.


All other areas of belief are secondary to this Statement of Faith and will not be allowed to become issues of division within the Church.




As a Church based in Kirkcaldy, Fife, we are called Newcraigs because of being located between the Newliston, Blackcraigs and Redcraigs housing schemes. We are called Evangelical because we take the bible seriously. We believe that the Word of God does the work of God through the Spirit of God in the people of God and so we are committed to solid teaching from the Scriptures week in week out.


We are Jesus ruled, elder led and accountable to the members of the congregation as we seek to submit our lives under the teachings of God’s Word, the Bible.


We’re a group of ordinary people who have been rescued by an extraordinary God. We believe that while our sin is a huge problem,God has an even bigger solution. Jesus came into our world to live a life on our behalf, die a death in our place and rise again from the grave to offer us a new life with him.

t: +44 (0)1592 204405


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 © 2025 Newcraigs Evangelical Church - Newcraigs Evangelical Church is a registered charity in Scotland, No: SC014189 

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